A Personal Reflection on Creativity

“Images are thoughts you can see, hear, smell, taste or feel, and include memories, dreams and daydreams, plans and visions, and fantasies."


As someone who has dealt with anxiety, depression and addiction in the past, before being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult (which changed my life), I am keenly aware of how our thoughts and emotions build our beliefs and understanding of the world.

Before becoming a digital artist, I studied to become a clinical psychologist. I worked with various mental health organisations and met some amazing people with various life challenges. What I observed was that it was not so much the external circumstances that determined how a person coped with life, but their thoughts and beliefs about themselves and the world. I was humbled how some people in some terrible situations could still find hope, and deeply saddened when I saw lives unfulfilled and the hopelessness of being stuck in past trauma.

Our lives are merely the stories we tell ourselves. We all have a view of the world based on past experiences, childhood and cultural values. We experience the world through the distorted lens of our own stories.

Sadly, these stories can often be limiting and self-defeating. However, our stories can also give our lives purpose and bring us together.

Visual art is about telling stories without words, free from the limitation of our own pre-conceived notions of ourselves and the world. We can be like children again, where we believed we could be anything we wanted and the world was full of adventure and endless possibilities.

Good art, like dreams, can temporarily free us from the restraints of our identities and fixed beliefs. Through creativity we can be curious again.

hashtag#ADHD hashtag#PsychCentral hashtag#depression hashtag#psychology hashtag#mentalhealth hashtag#art hashtag#arttherapy hashtag#dreams hashtag#visualarts

Get in touch to see how our team can transform your imagery and help your products stand out in an oversaturated marketplace.


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