Embracing imperfections in advertising imagery.

We are so used to seeing overly perfected images in advertising nowadays, from models to houses and watches to cars. Retouchers spend many hours trying to remove every speck of dust or scratch.  Now with the new AI revolution on the horizon, we believe their will be a strong move towards more realistic advertising visuals and our philosophy has always been is to embrace this. 

3D software and AI can’t make an intuitive decision to put a droplet of water in the right position to make a cold drink look that bit more appealing or a small change in the direction of a brushed metal to catch the light in a attractive way. Your eyes know immediately when something is ‘fake’,though its often hard to explain in words. We believe that images that have an element of controlled ‘imperfection’ create a stronger emotional connection and help to tell a story. The real challenge is to create visuals that look photographically real and appeal to the viewer on a deeper emotional level, but at the same time have all the creative possibilities, cost effectiveness and flexibility of CGI. Here at Fabric we have many years of experience achieving this for your clients and we think our work speak for itself. 


Why hire Fabric Studios for your next campaign.


Featured in 3D World Magazine!